《外公的滚球赛》由韩剧tv为大家推荐分享的是一部喜剧片 喜剧 剧情,HD,2019开播。
Marco, 11 - is obsessed with his electronics and hardly leaves the house. But when his grandmother dies and his grandfather moves in, Marco's life is turned upside-down and he's forced to go play outside. "Nonno" introduces him to bocce - the world's oldest game - and to the neighborhood crew of old Italian men who play daily at the local court. With sport, laughter and love, Marco finds connection to other people "in real life" and inspires a team of neighborhood kids to put down their devices and band together to take on his grandfather and his pals.
Marco, 11 - is obsessed with his electronics and hardly leaves the house. But when his grandmother dies and his grandfather moves in, Marco's life is turned upside-down and he's forced to go play outside. "Nonno" introduces him to bocce - the world's oldest game - and to the neighborhood crew of old Italian men who play daily at the local court. With sport, laughter and love, Marco finds connection to other people "in real life" and inspires a team of neighborhood kids to put down their devices and band together to take on his grandfather and his pals.
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